Thursday, June 28, 2007

Turntable Cake

This was one of the strangest requests...... one of the Directors where I work is leaving today, the turntable is because he like House music... the middle figure is him and I was asked to put him in his school uniform.... the other two are his direct reports.

I used a picture from one of Debbiedoescakes - cakes for inspiration, so thank you Debbie!!!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Teddy Bear Cake

Made for a little boy named Psalm who is turning one today.

Boogie Boarding Cake

This is the 2nd ocean themed cake I have done this month and it's the middle of winter here!!!

You can't see from this angle but he is actually riding the wave and is up in the air.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Toilet Roll 50th Birthday

Not my 'normal' kind of cake LOL... the family and the recipient got a huge laugh out of this... so it's all good! This figure was made following Aine2’s figure modelling tutorial.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Surfing Cake

Made for my Daughter's 13th birthday.